As its name implies, SMath Studio is a math program with different features and units of measurement. It has a simple, easy-to-understand interface. Its controls are simple to use and present no great complications. It also lets you fiddle with the fonts and background colors, so you can set its design according to your taste. On the right side, it shows a table with the math symbols sorted out according to the different math operations you can perform.
Although the units of measurement come only in four different languages, the rest of the interface has many more options for those non-English speakers. You can also change the mode of the functions according to your needs.
The program has a reference book and math definitions that allow you to copy its contents and paste it on any other software. It also has an extension to different informative guides that you can consult to solve your queries.
I had no problem when using or downloading the program. In sum, SMath Studio is a handy, easy-to-use and very comprehensive program for performing math calculations. And the best part, it is totally free.